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Fit & Rich
With Carla Burns: Millionaire Mom, Speaker, Author & Success Coach
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Meet your MIND Coach

Fit Life Adventure
January 4, 2016
Carla Burns


Get your MIND Right!

I am not you’re average college student.  It Works! has been a part of my family since I was 12. So of course as soon as I turned 18 I joined the company myself!  I had the choice to join, I didn’t have to, but I had seen growing up what this company was doing for my family.  It completely changed our lives.  It changed my Dad’s life health wise and our family financially.  I have been so privileged to grow up surrounded by some of the most influential people in It Works! and been able to learn so much at such a young age.  I began to sell the products my first year of college but I quickly realized the true potential I had in this company.  I decided to drop out of school for some time and pursue a life of a world wide wrapper.  I built my business and traveled the world doing it!  During that time my eyes were opened to my true passion of health and fitness.  I want to help people become the best person that they can be.  Part of this is overcoming who they think their best is, and push them to go beyond what they think are their limits.  I am now back at school finishing a degree in Human Performance with a concentration in Exercise Physiology.  I am constantly learning and growing my knowledge of the subject.  So as I grow you will grow.  By joining this 90 day challenge it is my goal to coach you through anything holding you back from your true potential.  I will be motivating you through this journey to help you be the best you inside and out.


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