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With Carla Burns: Millionaire Mom, Speaker, Author & Success Coach
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Cover Girl vs Kingdom Girl

January 29, 2016
Carla Burns

Nobody needs a Covergirl!

Can I first brag just a bit?? I am the most blessed mom on this planet! My daughters are such beautiful creations both inside and out and I make sure they know it!

Gasp!!!! its ok, I would do the same ,however if we as Moms are not validating our own flesh and blood someone else is going to. I know this from personal experience because

Growing up I never felt good about myself despite the compliments and accolades from friends and family. In fact I was know as the beautiful one, so how come I did not see what they saw when I looked in the mirror? I remember asking myself “what do they see in me?” I didn’t see anything special, just a small town girl with cute clothes and a lot of make up trying to emulate the latest cover of Vogue.

I believe I could not see my true beauty that others saw because I thought I had to fit into a certain mold determined by society in magazines and movies. If I didn’t look like that then I was not beautiful and people wouldn’t like me. It was exhausting not leaving the house without full makeup, hair perfect and dressed to kill. Sadly I see women in their 40-50s still doing this trying to get someone to notice them. Don’t get me wrong I have nothing against taking good care and being presentable. I can say this because I was once there and can spot it a mile away. I feel for these women, most on second and third marriages, broken families and heavy plastic surgeon bills. I am sorry if I have offended anyone but I wish someone had told me the truth years ago. These lies will keep you in bondage and destroy your relationships along with keeping you from Gods purpose in your life.

I did not know that my God made me beautiful and gave me gifts that were unique to me! That my worth and identity would be found only in Him. It took many years of low self worth before I came to this truth.


Ladies, we need to take a stand against the enemy lies and for our girls! They need to know the truth. Our daughters need to know they were born to a King and that makes them a princess. They need to know the light of Christ on the inside is what will radiate to attract the right people into their lives. How different would they respond if they knew this at a young age. How our daughters view themselves as teenagers will carry with them into marriages and raising there own daughters. Until they know this truth they will seek the world to validate their beauty.

WE don’t need more Covergirls we need Kingdom girls!

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