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With Carla Burns: Millionaire Mom, Speaker, Author & Success Coach
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How to keep your New Year Resolution in 2014

January 1, 2014

Isn’t it interesting that the world waits until Dec 31st every year to take a look at making a change in the coming year?  Have you ever wondered why? Perhaps as a year comes to a close and you look back on the previous year you are not satisfied. Don’t get me wrong I am all about setting new goals and personal growth with achievement, however looking back with regret should not be the motivator to make a change.

Proverbs 4:25 tells us to “Let your eyes look straight ahead; fix your gaze directly before you.”  This year instead of looking back with regret or self-judgment, make plans to move forward with gratitude for lessons learned. It’s good to take a quick glance at the previous year to take an inventory of where time can be better managed areas to improve and events that are best not repeated. Why do you think year after year the Top 3 New Year’s Resolutions are…?

    • Lose weight
    • Improve health
    • Reduce debt

Its my personal opinion that these three remain because we look at obesity, poor health and debt as negative and bad therefor condemning yourself into the commitment to change. There is a sense of guilt behind these resolutions which for most don’t make it past Jan 31st. So, how can you keep your new years resolution in 2014?

The answer is simple, approach your goals with a new perspective, use your words and thoughts to activate your faith. For example, if your resolutions sound like this…

In 2014

  • “I want to lose 20 lbs”
  • “I want to take better care of my health”
  • “I want to get out of debt”

To achieve a goal takes focus and faith! Re-word and re-write like this… keep this in front of you and daily repeat.

  • “I am thankful I have lost 20lb this year! I feel amazing eating good nutritious food and exercising daily”
  • “I am thankful for my excellent health! My character gives life to my bones”
  • “I am blessed with immeasurably more and freely give out of my abundant favor”

Proverbs 23:7 “As a man thinks in His heart, so is he..”

Be careful what you think and say about yourself… YOU are listening 😉

Following these examples and applying the wisdom of scripture will help you keep your resolutions in 2014.



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