“After New Year’s, I’ll…”
I hear this all the time, and it is concerning to me. There are so many opportunities to overindulge during the holiday season, and so many sources of stress, that it’s too easy to give yourself a pass and think, “I’ll eat right starting after the new year.”
Instead of spending the next couple of weeks over-indulging and then wanting to hit the reset button to get back on the health track, make the committment now and start your New Year’s resolutions today.
This will also help with the issue many face kicking off the New Year with incredible enthusiasm and falling back into old habits as the end of January nears. Make it a point this year to avoid this by declaring and starting your resolutions today!
I leave you with these powerful words from King Solomon, one of the wisest men in history.
“As a man thinks in his heart, so is He.” Proverbs 23:7